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Full-stack app tutorial with NestJS and React LogRocket Blog - Web Development Agency
Full-stack app tutorial with NestJS and React LogRocket Blog

by | Apr 5, 2022 | IT Vacancies | 0 comments

To verify the generated JWT token issued by Auth0, you will make use of Express middleware provided by express-jwt. Immediately when you created this API, Auth0 also automatically created a test application for you to use. This is a machine-to-machine application that you will only use here for testing purposes for this part of the tutorial. You will create a new single-page application that will represent the front-end React app in the next part of the tutorial.

Well in my own words, Nest.js is a Node.js framework built on top of express.js and TypeScript that comes with a strong opinion on how API’s should be built. Since it is very opinionated it provides a structure, a CLI, and an almost infinite amount of tools that let you create professional APIs very very fast. However when we update the page on a post page we get an error – there is no such blog post. When navigating on the client side NEXT.js fetches an internal endpoint that executes just the GSSP function and returns serialized JSON from it. So our home controller is not called at all and ctx.query is populated purely with path params and search query.

Auth Module

It controls which controller receives which requests and points to the methods that should process the request and return a response, respectively. Then you will proceed to secure the API by managing user authentication via Auth0. To test all the implementation in this part of the series, you will use Postman. MongoDB is a schema-less NoSQL database that can receive and store data in JSON-like documents. It takes away the idea of thinking and visualizing a database table in rows and columns.

Nest.js developer

You can manipulate the data on their way out in the interceptor. Providers are plain TypeScript/JavaScript classes with an @Injectable() decorator preceding their class declaration. Just like services in Angular, you can create and inject providers into other controllers or other providers as well. The src directory is the parent folder for the core of the Nest project. It holds the main.ts file which is the file where the Nest app starts.

Creating Nest.js services and controllers

The .env.sample is for those who want to download your project and use it so you can push it online. Pipes are also a special kind of middleware that sits between the client and the controller. They are mostly used for validation and transforming data before they get to the controller. An adaptable ecosystem that is a fully-fledged backbone for all kinds of server-side applications. Suppose there is a need to validate the data that is gotten when a request has been made over the server.

  • Next, we’ll set up a MongoDB database to connect and manage our to-do data across the project.
  • Now create a sub-directory named schemas within the initially created blog directory.
  • HTML provides the web page’s structure and content, whereas CSS offers different styling options for the website.
  • That bearer token is the access token in JSON Web Token (JWT) format that you obtained earlier from the Auth0 Dashboard.

The framework has seen substantial growth in adoption and has also managed to build a strong and active community of developers. In Figure 3, you verify that the new To Do item is now saved in the data by issuing a Get /api/todos request. Nest.js CLI scaffolds a root AppModule together with an AppController and AppService classes.

Build Your First Nest.js RESTful API

Let’s add a User module to handle all user-related operations and to keep tabs on who is creating what post. A good use case for a service provider is to create a PostService that abstracts all communication to the database into this service. At the class methods level, you can specify which method should handle the GET, POST, DELETE, PUT/PATCH HTTP requests.

The final step for the product module is to create the API endpoints. This second DTO defines a filter object, which we’ll use to filter the store products by search query, category, or both. As you can see from my numbered notes, in the code above, we imported the MongooseModule (1) and ProductModule (2), then set the ProductSchema to be used for our product model (3). The code above creates a schema for our product with name, description, price, and category properties.

Create a post using the application

Built on top of Express.JS, Nest.JS offers multiple functionalities and out-of-the-box APIs. Developers can leverage the features of Nest.JS to build applications with less code. Similar to Angular apps, Nest.js has a main.ts file that bootstraps your app, as you can see in Figure 1.

However, the highlight of the Nest framework is the power of dependency injection which facilitates code reuse by injecting one module into another. Server-side framework applications run on the server, whereas client-side applications run on the user’s web browser. Every website has a front end that the user interacts with and a back end that sends and retrieves data from the server. Developers who work on server-side frameworks build, design, and maintain the code, which makes data exchange possible. On the other hand, developers who work on front-end frameworks create feature-rich, visually appealing applications and websites.

Any random user can easily make an API call to retrieve or create a new post without authentication and succeed. This is not acceptable as the applications need to be smart enough to manage the identity of users. React is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework for building an intuitive and interactive user interface. It is widely adopted and a top choice among developers because of its great performance and simplicity in the rapid development of Single-Page Applications.

Nest.js developer

It is used to build scalable and production-ready Backend applications. Nice article, I’ve been using nestjs for 3 weeks, i had background from react,
I love how it is organized and well documented. Moving from raw express with TypeScript to NestJS has been a breath of fresh air, especially since I come from an object-oriented background. I didn’t know that having good support for following important architectural principles and using mechanisms like dependency injection was even a possibility in Node until discovering NestJS. You probably know that I gonna say I really like Nest.js, well yeah, it seems like a great framework to create reliable node.js APIs.