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5 Health Benefits of Pistachios (Pista): - Web Development Agency
5 Health Benefits of Pistachios (Pista):

by | Nov 10, 2018 | Food, Health | 0 comments

Nuts are nature’s way of telling you that good things come in small packages.Out of all that nuts, pistachios often remain the most ignored and underrate. Not only pistachios nuts are tasty and fun to eat,they are also super healthy.Pistachios seeds contain healthy fats and are a good source of protein,fiber and antioxidants. Pistas are also high in beta-carotene,several essential nutrients and have benefits for weight loss,heart and gut health.Their vibrant colour indicates high antioxidant content.They grow on small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and USA.And considered one of the oldest nuts, people have been eating Pistachios since 6,000 BC.They are very popular in many dishes including ice-cream. Here are seven wonderful benefits of Pistachios .

1: Rich Protein Source: Most nuts contain large amounts of protein ,and pistachios are no exception . one ounce (28 gram) of pistachios contains six gram of protein(Self Nutrition Data). They also have higher ratio of essential of amino acids , which are the building blocks of protein than any other nut. These amino acids are considered essential because your body cannot make them so you have to get them from your diet.Your body breaks this protein down into its constituent amino acids, which can be used to repair tissues or to create new molecules. Eating protein-rich foods helps you feel satiated, redcuing your craving for unhealthy foods later on. This makes pistachios the perfect mid-afternoon sanck. 2: May help in weight loss: Eating pistachios nut may aid weight loss.Pistachios are rich in fiber and protein, both of which increase satiety by helping you feel full and eat less.The fiber presenting in them also help in boosting your metabolism.Fats present in pistachios are soluble in nature and hence help in preventing weight gain.You can enjoy Pistas whenever you feel hungry because they are also considered as low calories snacks , so you know that you are not packing up calories.

3. Rich in antioxidants Pistachios are an excellent source of antioxidants and have numerous antioxidants that help in protecting the body from oxidative stress and causing further damage.They protect the eyes against damage caused by blue light and age-related muscular degeneration, a condition In which your central vision is impaired a lost.The presence of antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E safeguard the body from free radicals that cause damage in the body. Interestingly, the antioxidants in pistachios have been shown to be very accessible in the stomach and thus more likely to be absorbed during digestion. 4. Promotes Healthy Gut Pistachios contain high amounts of dietary fiber with one serving containing 3 grams that helps in strengthening the digestive system.Fiber moves through your digestive system mostly undigested. But some type of fiber are digestive by the good bacteria in your gut,acting as antibiotics. Pitas are a great source of of healthy fats, protein ,fiber and and antioxidants that make them a great food for your gut.

5. May Help Lower Blood Sugar Regularly eating Pistachios might help reduce blood sugar levels,Diabetes risk.People with prediabetes might be at a lower risk of developing diabetes if they eat pistachios regularly.Studies have shown that eating pistachios can have beneficial effects on your blood sugar.Pistachios have a low glycemic index, meaning they don’t cause a large spike in your blood sugar.In addition, pistachios nuts are rich in antioxidants, magnesium, cartenoids and phenolic compounds,all of which are beneficial for blood sugar control.